Free Our Vote is dedicated to restoring voting rights and promoting civic engagement for individuals with prior felony convictions. They employ a variety of data-focused strategies to assure individuals with felony convictions they are eligible to vote, and they aid individuals with felony financial disenfranchisement with outstanding criminal court debt so that they can vote.
Through advocacy and innovative programs, such as their debt relief initiatives, Free Our Vote works to remove barriers to voting and empower these individuals to participate fully in our democracy. However, they recently rebranded and, as such, want their website to match their values and better engage shareholders. Their primary goal with their website is to attract partners and donors so they can effectively re-enfranchise tens of thousands more in a dozen other states, including Arizona, Georgia, Virginia, and Texas, in time for the 2024 election.
Our team understood that our client wanted a cohesive and comprehensive website to motivate potential partners to join their cause and donate to their initiative. The client requested a site to matches their rebrand and better engages shareholders. Achieving this goal demands a responsive website that is especially easy to use on mobile devices. This design relies on a powerful brand identity grounded in comprehensive UX research. Because our client wanted a mobile-friendly and highly customized site, we designed on Figma and built on Framer, a no-code platform.
We conducted a SWOT analysis on Free Our Vote’s website to understand what to redesign.
Our site map development process focused on optimizing the user journey and information architecture. Our initial assessment revealed a lot of information was spread across multiple pages. The client wanted to streamline this content, prioritizing key information to facilitate informed decision-making for users.